Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Orissa on 25 December 2008

Orissa is one of the most backward states in India and has even more backward region called Kandhamal in Orissa. The place has been always in news for all wrong reasons. To mention a few poverty, hunger, unemployment and religious conversions...
On 23rd August 2008 a Hindu religious leader who has been very active in the area for anti conversion of the locals from Hinduism to Christianity was shot dead. That followed a series of events like riots, rapes, burning the houses and people alike and any terrorism that one can think of under the banner of religious fanaticism.
The culprits who were responsible for the Hindu seer's murder are not nabbed yet. So the opposition political party demanding punishment to the culprits has come up with latest idea to pressurize government - it has decided to call a 12 hour statewide strike on the Christmas 2008.
This is the issue which has prompted me to pen down my thoughts about the issue - Christmas across the world will be celebrated with gusto as always. But Orissa will be prepared to take care not to be influenced by "Merry" of Christmas. The layman irrespective of all religious sentiments gets in to the festive mood for a week which begins with Christmas and continues till the dawn of New Year ,with world shrinking day by day thanks to technology how Orissa will remain insulated from being happy and celebrating the year end festivities ? And all this because of one opposition political party ?A happiness which is not caused by a political party or a region but the whole world - the positive vibes generated for the festive season to set in; how a set of small minds come together to restrict it and claim pride in the act of doing so ?
Is there any political party in India which can claim its involvement in creating happiness? If not, how does any political party can dare to act against the fundamental right of people to happiness? How a country gives sanction to any political party to cause anything which will hamper the overall positive environment in the country? Why the law and order system is so weak that the day any such announcement is made by a political party immediately it is not banned by the legal system in the country?
How many more years the independent India will have to go with unnecessary bloodshed because of internal problems created internally ?Why the country shows so much patience and resilience in absorbing the evil but does not create systems which will effectively eliminate many such problems in the root ?

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At 26 December 2008 at 4:13 pm , Blogger goooooood girl said...

your blog is so good......


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